Terms and Conditions

The following Terms and Conditions apply to all use of musical works from this site:

Certain, composers, musicians, producers and other artists have supplied chrisworthproductions.com with compositions, arrangements, sound recordings, samples and other musical works ("Works") for use in film, video, television, radio, multimedia presentations, computer and video games and computer generated works such as websites, music on-hold systems and events and chrisworthproductions.com have made these available to you for your use subject to these terms and conditions ("Terms").

These Terms apply to all and any use of the Works and this website and if you do not accept them you should not use this website, the Works or any part of them.

Privacy Policy
Chris Worth Productions may ask for and/or you may choose to submit personal data to this site, (www.chrisworthproductions.com), including your email address and contact details for purposes of identification and marketing. You agree and accept that provided chrisworthproductions.com does so in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998, this data may be used, stored and processed:
Subject to these Terms and except with chrisworthproductions.com's prior written permission, chrisworthproductions.com grants you a non-exclusive and non-transferable right and licence to download, and use Works for the purposes set out in these Terms only;
You may:
You may not:
You agree and acknowledge that:
Licence Fee
In order to and in consideration of the right to download and use the Works for Synchronisation as set out above you agree to:
Payment Terms

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